

Monday, 27 February 2012

' Vintage Edge '

A set consisting of self portraiture, focused on the theme of dolls and an edgy vintage style, yes this one is rather girly :) Also includes a spontaneous attempt at a personal portrayal of Cinderella's Shoe; porcelain instead of a glass shoe. 
" A Dream Within A Dream "

 Self Portrait
Black Dot Glove from H&M
Beige Glove from Accessorize 
Ring from H&M
Faux Fur Collar From Miss Selfridge
Black short coat, Vintage Store. 
Dress from Peacocks 
Styling by moi.

Doll 2
 Doll 3

 Doll 1

I have had this sweet doll for as long as I remember. She used to have an umbrella too but I broke it, I should really fix it. My aunt bought it for my 7th or 8th birthday, which I celebrated in Iran. It was my first trip there and I will never forget the huge bunny sculptured cake they surprised me with that day.
Some of my most magical childhood moments, I spent them in Iran. I remember colourful carnivals, brilliant scenery's, waterfalls and mountains. The surplus of history, historic monuments and antiquities, lovely handcrafted items and clothing. And of course the kind and welcoming persians and the most lavishing floral gardens and castles I have ever seen.
It was truly like paradise.

Vintage Edge: Doll Portrait 1

Vintage Edge:  Doll Portrait 2

Vintage Edge:  Faux Fur Portrait 1

Vintage Edge:  Faux Fur Portrait 2

Vintage Edge: Blunt II

I did these two simple and clean portraits to freshen up on taking 
standard portraits with a good burst of light. I merely added some retouch and contrast.

If you notice the right edge of the second photo, it seems that it is not illuminated enough so it's slighty darker than the left side. Reason: the light is mainly directed toward the face rather than including lighting up the hair as well so it appears uneven and also casts a slight shadow near the chin on the left side.  

Vintage Edge : Blunt 

Vintage Edge: Cinderella's Lost Shoe 2

Vintage Edge: Cinderella's Lost Shoe 1


I've employed an ambient effect to the images but with a clean light; avoiding sharp contrasted shadows usually found near the chin or nose. 
I used color filters to enhance the background and make it more interesting. I intentionally directed the light away from myself so that I wouldn't end up with unnatural skintone; a good useful tip to remember ;) And for those without color filters, any light has a certain tone that you can use to your advantage. Example: I  used a mini 9LED flashlight.


 It is a powerful little thing and it has a blue tint to the light it provides. You can easily use it to add some colour in the background or for the face. 
I always bring this flashlight with me wherever I go, especially for night or twilight photography. Sometimes there is just not enough light to properly focus on the subject so a flashlight comes in handy for that.

I toyed with patterns and a tiny touch of creative make up, while making most of the half body centered poses but with subtle details.   There was a particular creative use of pattern I wanted to try out but felt it wasn't right for this shoot. However, I still tested a few ways that would achieve the result I was aiming for as I wasn't exactly in posession of a Projector. I used some distinctly patterned veils and hung it to my lightstands in front of a single light. A single light will naturally add some vignetti and create an ambient atmosphere, much like a spotlight. You can also print some patterns on transparent papers, which could bring some interesting results.  Hopefully, I will get around to this shoot sometime this week so I can show you some results ^.^

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